Hi, Kort McCulley here, and I want to talk to you about the complete guide for financial health for pilot organizations. Several pilot organizations approached us several years ago, and we helped them create unique plan designs with their retirement plan to help attract and retain key employees and key employees, a lot of times, could be those pilots, or it could be other members of the team as well.
But there needed to be more pilots. There continues to be that challenge in the marketplace, and we were pulled in to help design some of these retirement plans for these organizations to keep tractor retains these key pilots and allow them to serve their clients so that they can continue to grow and avoid being faced with this constant turnover challenge that exists.
And the retirement plan became a unique attribute, tool, or benefit available for them to utilize. And it has become an absolute differentiator for them to attract, retain and keep these employees stickier with the organization long term. So we put together this complete guide on how we did it.
Please stick around for the rest of these videos, and we’ll look forward to talking to you soon.
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Protect your assets by applying several layers of protection. This can take the form of liability insurance, fundamental practices, and other smart strategies.
A solid asset protection plan means you no longer have to feel at risk of losing everything due to litigation or unforeseen events.
Get affordable coverage that aligns with your company’s needs – no matter how unique your needs are.
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Our risk-averse approach coupled with our extensive investment analysis means we can build a portfolio that maximizes return while minimizing risk.
We identify your objectives and needs to design a realistic, actionable plan you can fully understand.
Whether you’re saving for a house, paying for an education, or want to ensure you have enough for retirement, we make it possible.
We can also help business owners gain additional life, health, and retirement benefits beyond the basic employee scope.
Explore a wide range of solutions and get a custom designed plan that helps employees reach their retirement goals.
Participants also have access to one-on-one personalized education to help them navigate the complexities of their plan so they can feel confident in their choices and future.
Get the right strategy and tools to maximize your savings. As a self-employed entrepreneur, you’ll discover new opportunities to grow your nest egg faster – which includes identifying opportunities to shelter assets from taxes or reduce your tax liability.
Experience the peace of mind that comes with being able to maintain your lifestyle through retirement, stay prepared for the unexpected, and leave a legacy for loved ones.